Women 65 and Older: Their Challenges When Seeking Employment

During the economic crisis which began in 2007 in the United States, companies downsized or closed, leaving many individuals unemployed. Older adults lost substantial retirement savings. These circumstances put older adults in a position of needing and desiring to find full-time employment. The economy began recovering in 2009; however, older adults have continued to
recover, causing them to work or seek employment since that time. The economic crisis affected older women, and this segment of the population has sought full-time employment.
This qualitative study explored the challenges older women faced when searching for
full-time positions in the greater metropolitan area of Las Vegas, Nevada. The research question was “What challenges do women 65 and older face when seeking full-time employment?” The goal was to determine if education in technology had an impact upon the job searches. Eleven women responded to interview questions that revealed the women’s experiences in searching for work. Six themes emerged from the interviews, and the research question was answered. Those themes were self-perception of ageism, online applications, employer discounted or ignored work experience, self-limitations, emotional approach, and educational preparation.

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