An Innovative Opportunity? Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and the Pedagogical Possibilities for Indigenous Learners: Revue Canadienne de Recherche sur les OSBL et l’Économie Sociale (ANSERJ) Revue Canadienne de Recherche sur les OSBL et l’Économie Sociale (ANSERJ)

The need to indigenize curriculum in Canada is pressing. Education, however, is fraught and complex. Questions have been asked about the accessibility and applicability of traditional class-based educational paradigms and subject matter. Based on the limited courses currently on offer in Canada, the emergent social-innovation pedagogy seems to bear several points of sympathy or commonality with Indigenous pedagogies, including emphasis on experiential learning, reflection, and collaborative work. Indigenous pedagogies and ways of knowing cannot and should not be slotted into a Eurocentric educational paradigm. This article will begin to explore this possible pedagogical sympathy—an overlap between the two knowledge systems—with the support of a group of Indigenous business students interested in social innovation as a tool to help them build the resilience of their communities.

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