Bonnie Butlin

Bonnie Butlin

Bonnie Butlin is the co-founder and executive director of the Security Partners’ Forum (SPF), a first-of-its-kind agile international network of security professionals. SPF also includes numerous sub-networks, including the Women in Security and Resilience Alliance (WISECRA), made up of a growing network of women in security worldwide, and the Canadian Cybersecurity Alliance (CCA), which has since become the largest inter-association cyber initiative in history. Butlin is a pioneering leader well-versed in security and intelligence who has received over 22 international and national-level awards and recognitions. She is also a highly-sought-after speaker, who in recent years addressed Parliament and the Senate via the Open Caucus Initiative. In 2017, she was appointed to the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network in Cybersecurity.